BIBTEX ENTRY @ARTICLE{EGN2020-1, author = {{Erignoux}, Cl{\'e}ment and {Gon\cc alves}, Patricia and {Nahum}, Gabriel}, title = "{Hydrodynamics for SSEP with non-reversible slow boundary dynamics: Part I, the critical regime and beyond}", journal = {Journal of Statistical Physics}, keywords = {Mathematics - Probability}, year = {2020}, pages = {1433--1469}, volume = {181} } BIBITEM ENTRY \bibitem{EGN2020-1} C. Erignoux, P. Gonçalves and G. Nahum \emph{Hydrodynamics for SSEP with non-reversible slow boundary dynamics: Part I, the critical regime and beyond}, Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 181, pp 1433--1469 (2020).