BIBTEX ENTRY @article{ESZ23, title = {Asymmetric attractive zero-range processes with particle destruction at the origin}, journal = {Stochastic Processes and their Applications}, volume = {159}, pages = {1-33}, year = {2023}, issn = {0304-4149}, doi = {}, url = {}, author = {Clément Erignoux and Marielle Simon and Linjie Zhao}, keywords = {asymmetric zero-range process, boundary condition, hyperbolic conservation law, hydrodynamic limit, attractiveness}, abstract = {We investigate the macroscopic behavior of asymmetric attractive zero-range processes on Z where particles are destroyed at the origin at a rate of order Nβ, where β∈R and N∈N is the scaling parameter. We prove that the hydrodynamic limit of this particle system is described by the unique entropy solution of a hyperbolic conservation law, supplemented by a boundary condition depending on the range of β. Namely, if β⩾0, then the boundary condition prescribes the particle current through the origin, whereas if β<0, the destruction of particles at the origin has no macroscopic effect on the system and no boundary condition is imposed at the hydrodynamic limit.} } BIBITEM ENTRY \bibitem{ESZ23} C. Erignoux, M. Simon and L. Zhao, \emph{Asymmetric attractive zero-range processes with particle destruction at the origin}, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 159, pp 1--33 (2023).