Alessandro Lazaric

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I received my PhD from the Electronic and Informatics Department of Politecnico di Milano, under the supervision of Andrea Bonarini and Marcello Restelli.

I’m currently a Junior Researcher (CR1) at INRIA Lille - Nord Europe in the SequeL team led by Philippe Preux and Rémi Munos.

You can find my (almost) updated CV here.

My mean research topics are:

  1. Reinforcement Learning

  2. Transfer Learning

  3. Multi-arm Bandit

  4. Online Learning

I also keep on eye on:

  1. Multiagent Learning

  2. Game Theory

  3. Mechanism Design

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Welcome to my site

Alessandro Lazaric

Junior Researcher

SequeL Team

INRIA Lille - Nord Europe

LIFL (UMR Lille1/CNRS n° 8022)

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