Full list of publications

My full list of publications is available on Google Scholar, DBLP, and HAL.

Recent selected publications

  1. xPUE: Extending Power Usage Effectiveness Metrics for Cloud Infrastructures. G. Fieni, R. Rouvoy, L. Seinturier. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 2025. [HAL]

  2. STFM: Fast Matching of Web Pages using Similarity-based Flexible Tree Matching. S. Brisset, R. Rouvoy, L. Seinturier, R. Pawlak. Information Systems (IS). February 2023. [HAL]

  3. ERRATUM: Leveraging Flexible Tree Matching to Repair Broken Locators in Web Automation Scripts. S. Brisset, R. Rouvoy, L. Seinturier, R. Pawlak. Information and Software Technology (IST). Volume 144. April 2022. [HAL]

  4. Characterizing the Usage, Evolution and Impact of Java Annotations in Practice. Z. Yu, C. Bai, L. Seinturier, M. Monperrus. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE). 47(5):969-986. May 2021. [HAL]

  5. The Next 700 CPU Power Models. M. Colmant, R. Rouvoy, M. Kurpicz, A. Sobe, P. Felber, L. Seinturier. Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). 144:382-396. October 2018. [HAL]

Legacy selected publications

  1. How to Design a Program Repair Bot? Insights from the Repairnator Project. S. Urli, Z. Yu, L. Seinturier, M. Monperrus. 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’18) Software Engineering in Practice Track. May 2018. [HAL]

  2. Spoon: A Library for Implementing Analyses and Transformations of Java Source Code. R. Pawlak, M. Monperrus, N. Petitprez, C. Noguera, L. Seinturier. Software Practice and Experience (SPE). 2015. [HAL]

  3. A Component-Based Middleware Platform for Reconfigurable Service-Oriented Architectures. L. Seinturier, P. Merle, R. Rouvoy, D. Romero, V. Schiavoni, J.-B. Stefani. Software Practice and Experience (SPE). 42(5):559-583. May 2012. [HAL]

  4. Foundations of AOP for J2EE Development. R. Pawlak, J.-P. Retaillé, L. Seinturier. APress. ISBN 1-59059-507-6. September 2005. [HAL]

  5. JAC: An Aspect-Based Distributed Dynamic Framework. R. Pawlak, L. Seinturier, L. Duchien, G. Florin, F. Legond-Aubry, L. Martelli. Software Practice and Experience (SPE). 34(12):1119-1148. October 2004. [HAL]

Lionel Seinturier. 10 March 2025.