Together with Ludovic Métivier, we propose a 6 months Master internship to explore the use of Weak metrics for gradient descent in seismic imaging by 1D full waveform inversion. See here for details. If you are interested in joining our group in Lille, please contact me!
Short bio
Since 2015, I work at Inria
Université de Lille, first
as a research scientist than since October 2021 as a
senior researcher. I serve as head of the Inria project
since June 2022.
to this, I defended my PhD thesis in 2008 in Marseille under
the supervision of Thierry
Gallouët. Then from 2009 to 2015, I was a tenured
assistant professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie
(UPMC, Paris, now part of Sorbonne
Inria Université de Lille
40, av. Halley, F-59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
I am interested in the modelling, the analysis
and the numerical approximation of problems governed
by partial differential equations arising in physics
and biology.
See here
for a short but relevant description of my motivation for maths.