Tech.Git History

Show minor edits - Show changes to output

August 02, 2017, at 07:01 AM by -
Changed lines 162-170 from:
'''Remove the last commit from Git history'''
(:source lang=bash :)
git reset --hard HEAD~1
If the commit has already been pushed to the remote, and you want to propagate the change (WARNING: this is bad if someone already has the commit that will be deleted into his history):
(:source lang=bash :)
git push -f

June 01, 2017, at 02:36 PM by -
Added line 158:
June 01, 2017, at 02:35 PM by -
Added line 150:
Added line 152:
June 01, 2017, at 02:34 PM by -
Changed lines 146-159 from:
It will create a new commit. The reverted commit is still present in the history.
It will create a new commit. The reverted commit is still present in the history.

!! How to rewrite history
The git rebase command allows you to easily change a series of commits, modifying the history of your repository. You can reorder, edit, or squash commits together.
'''Warning''': Because changing your commit history can make things difficult for everyone else using the repository, it's considered bad practice to rebase commits when you've already pushed to a repository.
'''Rebase all the commits between another branch and the current branch state'''
(:source lang=bash :)
git rebase --interactive other_branch_name
'''Rebasing commits against a point in time'''
To rebase the last few commits in your current branch, you can enter the following command in your shell:
(:source lang=bash :)
git rebase --interactive HEAD~7
December 04, 2013, at 01:51 PM by -
December 04, 2013, at 01:51 PM by -
Changed line 120 from:
To remove a remote branch
To remove a remote branch or tag
Changed line 124 from:
To remove a remote tag
To remove a local tag
Deleted line 126:
git push origin :refs/tags/tagtodelete
December 04, 2013, at 01:45 PM by -
Changed line 122 from:
git push origin :branch_to_delete
git push origin --delete branch_or_tag_to_delete
November 06, 2013, at 02:18 PM by -
November 06, 2013, at 02:18 PM by -
Added lines 32-38:

!! Work on a remote branch

(:source lang=bash :)
git fetch origin
git checkout -b mybranch origin/mybranch
June 21, 2013, at 10:44 PM by -
Deleted line 97:
It is better to don't use an already existing tag name to name your branch.
Added line 101:
Note: It is better to don't use an already existing tag name to name your branch.
May 17, 2013, at 01:01 PM by -
Changed line 5 from:
Some other [[ git tips]]
Some other [[|git tips]]
May 17, 2013, at 01:01 PM by -
Added lines 4-5:

Some other [[ git tips]]
May 17, 2013, at 12:54 PM by -
Added line 126:
May 17, 2013, at 12:54 PM by -
Added lines 120-131:
!!How to synchronize a branch with the remore repository?
If the branch has no upstream:
(:source lang=bash :)
git pull origin v1.4-maintenance
The best option is to provide the -u option when pushing to the remote to specify the upstream automatically.
To easily track a remote branch from someone else
(:source lang=bash :)
git checkout -t origin/feature
It creates and checks out "feature" branch that tracks "origin/feature".

May 17, 2013, at 12:21 PM by -
Changed line 95 from:
!! How to push a new branch to the remote
!! How to push a new branch to the remote?
Changed lines 100-101 from:
!! How to delete a remote branch/tag
To remove a remote branch
!! How to create a tag?
It will create an annotated tag (recommended)
(:source lang=bash :)
git tag -a v1.4 -m 'my version 1.4'
To list tags:
(:source lang=bash :)
git tag
git tag -l v1.4/*
!! How to delete a remote branch/tag?
May 17, 2013, at 12:16 PM by -
Changed lines 100-101 from:
!! How to delete a remote branch
!! How to delete a remote branch/tag
To remove
a remote branch
Added lines 104-108:
To remove a remote tag
(:source lang=bash :)
git tag -d tagtodelete
git push origin :refs/tags/tagtodelete
May 15, 2013, at 03:06 PM by -
Changed line 95 from:
!! Push a new branch to the remote
!! How to push a new branch to the remote
Changed line 100 from:
!! Delete a remote branch
!! How to delete a remote branch
May 15, 2013, at 03:06 PM by -
May 15, 2013, at 03:06 PM by -
Deleted line 92:
May 15, 2013, at 03:05 PM by -
Deleted line 100:
Deleted line 104:
May 15, 2013, at 03:05 PM by -
Added lines 95-105:

!! Push a new branch to the remote
It is better to don't use an already existing tag name to name your branch.
(:source lang=bash :)
git push origin newbranch

!! Delete a remote branch
(:source lang=bash :)
git push origin :branch_to_delete
May 15, 2013, at 07:41 AM by -
Changed lines 94-101 from:
You can also check this [[|useful post]]
You can also check this [[|useful post]]

!! How to revert a commit?
It is as simple as
(:source lang=bash :)
git revert 5f1b62549477
It will create a new commit. The reverted commit is still present in the history.
May 13, 2013, at 08:34 AM by -
Added lines 30-46:

!! Remove untracked files
(:source lang=bash :)
git clean -f
If you want to also remove directories, run
(:source lang=bash :)
git clean -f -d
If you just want to remove ignored files, run
(:source lang=bash :)
git clean -f -X
If you want to remove ignored as well as non-ignored files, run
(:source lang=bash :)
git clean -f -x
May 06, 2013, at 11:11 AM by -
Deleted line 13:
Deleted line 22:
Deleted line 26:
Changed line 64 from:
# %item value=3%  Then, Compare any branch from your local repository to any remote you've added.
# %item value=3%  Then, compare any branch from your local repository to any remote you've added.
May 06, 2013, at 11:10 AM by -
Added lines 4-33:

!! Git info

There is no git info (like svn info) command available with git :(
Instead you can use following commands.

!!! List remote URL
(:source lang=bash :)
git remote -v

!!! List branches
Remote branches:
(:source lang=bash :)
git branch -r
Local branches:
(:source lang=bash :)
git branch

!!! Git configuration
(:source lang=bash :)
cat .git/config

!!! Most recent commit
(:source lang=bash :)
git —no-pager log —max-count=1
May 06, 2013, at 10:07 AM by -
Added lines 25-39:

!! How to diff between a fork with its origin repository?

# First, in your forked repository, add the origin as a remote
(:source lang=bash :)
git remote add <aname-refering-to-the-origin-repo> <origin-git-url>
# %item value=2%  Fetch origin changes into your forked repository. It won't change your working copy.
(:source lang=bash :)
git fetch <aname-refering-to-the-origin-repo>
# %item value=3%  Then, Compare any branch from your local repository to any remote you've added.
(:source lang=bash :)
git diff master <aname-refering-to-the-origin-repo>/master
April 18, 2013, at 08:44 AM by -
Changed lines 28-29 from:
If you are many people working on the same software, your central git repository will end with a lot of branches and merge. Indeed, developers start to work on a revision and, when they are ready to push their changes, there will probably be new revisions from other developers. The default behavior of git when pushing your changes is to define a branch, add your commits to this branch and then merge the branch back to the master. To avoid that, especially if you know there is no conflict, you can use %black%git rebase%%.
[[|Git rebasing]] ([[|french]]).
If you are many people working on the same software, your central git repository will end with a lot of branches and merge. Indeed, developers start to work on a revision and, when they are ready to push their changes, there will probably be new revisions from other developers. The default behavior of git when pulling changes from the central repository is to define a branch, add your commits to this branch and then merge the branch back to the master. To avoid that, especially if you know there is no conflict, you can use %black%git rebase%% as explained [[|here]]  or [[|here (french)]].

Hopefully, there is a shorcut for that. You can use pull with %black%git pull --rebase%%. Git can be configured to make it the default behavior:
(:source lang=bash :)
git config --global --bool pull.rebase true

You can also check this [[|useful post]]
April 18, 2013, at 08:36 AM by -
Changed line 27 from:
!! How to avoid many branches in your repository
!! How to avoid many branches in your repository?
Changed line 29 from:
See [[|Git rebasing]] ( [[|french]]).
See [[|Git rebasing]] ([[|french]]).
April 18, 2013, at 08:36 AM by -
Changed line 29 from:
See [[|Git rebasing]] (or [[|(french)]]).
See [[|Git rebasing]] ( [[|french]]).
April 18, 2013, at 08:35 AM by -
Changed lines 25-29 from:

!! How to avoid many branches in your repository
If you are many people working on the same software, your central git repository will end with a lot of branches and merge. Indeed, developers start to work on a revision and, when they are ready to push their changes, there will probably be new revisions from other developers. The default behavior of git when pushing your changes is to define a branch, add your commits to this branch and then merge the branch back to the master. To avoid that, especially if you know there is no conflict, you can use %black%git rebase%%.
See [[|Git rebasing]] (or [[|(french)]]).
April 18, 2013, at 08:24 AM by -
Added lines 2-3:

The Git community book [[|(french)]] [[|(english)]]
April 18, 2013, at 08:10 AM by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:
!Git How-tos
!%center% Git How-tos
Changed line 23 from:
April 18, 2013, at 08:08 AM by -
Added lines 1-2:
!Git How-tos
April 18, 2013, at 08:07 AM by -
Changed line 10 from:
# Then, fetch origin changes into your forked repository
# %item value=2% Then, fetch origin changes into your forked repository
Changed line 14 from:
# List branches to see new available branches from the origin repository
# %item value=3% List branches to see new available branches from the origin repository
Changed line 18 from:
# Now, we can merge
# %item value=4% Now, we can merge
April 18, 2013, at 08:03 AM by -
Added lines 1-21:
!! How to synchronize a fork with its origin repository?

MyA is a fork of the repository A.
You use MyA for your devs and made updates. In the same time, the origin repository A still follows its way (new push, etc.).
How to do if you want to (re)synchronize your forked repository with its origin?
# First, in your forked repository, add the origin as a remote
(:source lang=bash :)
git remote add <aname-refering-to-the-origin-repo> <origin-git-url>
# Then, fetch origin changes into your forked repository
(:source lang=bash :)
git fetch <aname-refering-to-the-origin-repo>
# List branches to see new available branches from the origin repository
(:source lang=bash :)
git branch -a
# Now, we can merge
(:source lang=bash :)
git merge remotes/<aname-refering-to-the-origin-repo>/<branch-name>