Who I am
I am a senior research scientist ("directeur de recherche") at Inria.
I am the scientific leader of the PARADYSE project-team at the centre Inria de l'université de Lille.
I am the deputy director for science ("délégué scientifique adjoint") of the resarch center. The director for science is Nathalie Mitton.
I am a member of the team "numerical analysis and PDEs" of the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé.
I am a part-time non-permanent professor ("Professeur chargé de cours d'exercice incomplet") at the Applied Mathematics Department of the École polytechnique.
What I do
I work in applied mathematics and my main research topic is the numerical approximation of the solutions of evolutionary problems. I study numerical approximations of solutions of deterministic (and sometimes stochastic) Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and systems, written as well-posed Cauchy-problems. I am interested in quantitative properties of the methods (high order methods, computational efficiency, etc) as well as in qualitative properties (long-time behiaviour, geometry, AP-schemes, etc).
My scientific interests lie in the efficient numerical simulation of fundamental models of Physics. I work with fellow mathematicians as well as physicists (in particular of the PhLAM laboratory in Lille). Applications of my work include nonlinear optics and cold atoms.
PhD and postdoc students
PhD students
- Andre Berg, 2017-2023, co-advised with D. Cohen
- Pierre Mennuni, 2016-2019, co-advised with S. de Bièvre and A. De Laire
- Anthony Nahas, 2019-2022, co-advised with I. Lacroix-Violet
- Quentin Chauleur, 2022-2024, co-advised with R. Chicireanu
- Maxime Gazeau, 2013-2014, co-advised with C. Besse
News :
Calculus of Variations - June 24th-28th 2024, Lille
Applied Analysis and Modeling - Nov 4th-6th 2024, Lille